
not making the list

alright, the other day (when i formerly pretended to have at least some semblance of a life) i went out drinking with some kids from the neighborhood and for one reason or another found ourselves at the vine club. ok, i know clubs and bars are going up and coming down quicker than a fucking ride at six flags, but thinking that i'm somewhat up on what's "cool" or "hot" or "in" or whatever, i was surprised to see i hadn't even heard of this place.

cut to: taxi arrives outside a bar that looks like a scene from some nirvana documentary come weezer fan club meeting with a fairly burly guy outside the door. my friend dave approaches and finds out, much to all of our dismay, that this shithole no one's heard of has a list, and i'm sorry, i don't care who you know, the list is closed for tonight.

uh, ok. but excuse me, this place is a complete shithole right? ok, just checking.

so, my friends and i were ousted from the indy bullshit bar because we weren't on the list and didn't look like we hadn't taken a shower in 10 days.

look, here's the fucking point: i thought all these indy and emo kids were all on board with the plan. the plan being that any idea of a "line" or "list" is hollywood bullshit that none of us buy into because we're super cool and above that shit. wrrroooooonnnggg. looks like even the kids who shun all that's hollywood have slowly become quintessentially hollywood themselves. i mean, replace the skinny bitchy model with a big tatted out dude, whatever, its still a fucking list that some dude named caarrrrrlllooosss put together this fucking afternoon in the midst of taking a huge hit off a 10 foot bong. its still irrelevant and its fucking elitist as shit. i mean, its a bar, they serve alcohol, what's the fucking deal?

i mean, i guess the point for them (them being the uber hollywood LAXers and the now booming emo indy kids with lists) is that they like being amongst their kind. the point of the list can be exclusivity--a ploy to keep "our kind" (read sluts or kids with no sense of rhythm or sense of shame) from "their kind" (read people who like diversity and could give a fuck). there's a certain comfort to knowing that if you go to a certain club, dressed a certain way, you'll encounter your kind and everyone will high five and feel good about themselves in their little bubble.

la te fucking da. It’s such bullshit. and to think that the "alternative" community of LA has begun to embrace those very characteristics of the "mainstream" society makes me frustrated. i mean, come the fuck on people. your supposed to not give a fuck, not be on the fucking list. jesus.

one things for certain, either way, i ain't on the list. and know what, i'm kinda alright with that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post. Really, you make me want to move to SoCal.

8:02 PM  
Blogger minister of hate said...

uh yea, that was totally the point. well done.

9:25 PM  

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